"And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul."
On December 26, 2015, Daniel Weidle lost his life to the medical disease of addiction triggered by opioids. The mission of Daniel’s Peace Memorial Park is to tell his story in the hopes of educating and empowering others facing these same issues; and to provide a place of refuge and peace for the spirit, mind and body.
Learn more about the park, watch the video below.
Daniel’s Peace Memorial Park
After years of battling opiate addiction, Daniel Weidle passed away from an overdose after he was repeatedly denied access to the life saving medication used to successfully treat his illness. Daniel was a deeply loved son, father, brother, and friend, taken too soon by a disease that can and should be treated. Each day we lose more people like Daniel as our nation struggles with the opiate epidemic.
Daniel’s Peace was built by the Weidle Family to honor their son’s memory. The Weidle Family continues to work with policy makers and medical professionals to address systemic loopholes that allow people battling the disease of addiction to be refused life-saving medical care and treatment.
Unfortunately, due to the stigma of addiction many medical professionals openly refuse to treat those who seek help. We believe this is an injustice that must be faced head-on through policy change and education.

Daniel’s Peace Memorial Park was established in 2016 and is dedicated to all those who have lost their lives to the disease of addiction.
Walking through the towering pine trees at the entrance to Daniel’s Peace there is a quietness that immediately settles over you. Sunlight gently peeks through the branches and softly lights your way past several displays featuring photos, memorabilia and poignant handwritten notes penned by Daniel as he journaled during his battle with addiction. As you reach a clearing several walking paths offer visitors the opportunity to linger at various memorial sites, natural wildlife areas, and a beautiful teardrop shaped pond. Rest stops along the 2 miles of gentle trails allow visitors to relax, meditate, reflect, and observe the scenic beauty that surrounds them.
Daniel’s Peace allows visitors to step away from the cares and pressures of the world and experience a place of communion with God and nature. Daniel visited this property often to find his own peace, and we hope you experience the same.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and not be afraid.
–John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and not be afraid.
–John 14:27

Daniel’s Peace Memorial Park is dedicated to the individuals, and family members and friends of those fighting for their lives against the medical disease of addiction. The park is a work in progress, and development continues. Daniel’s Peace Memorial Park is open all year, 7 days a week, dawn to dusk.